01925 202020



2021 71 Plate SCANIA R450 Highline Tag Axle – PN71DVZ

  • 490,121 Kms
  • Tractor Unit
  • 2021
  • 450 Bhp

2021 21 Plate SCANIA R450 Highline Tag Axle- PK21RFL

  • 490,121 Kms
  • Tractor Unit
  • 2021
  • 450 Bhp

2022 72 Plate SCANIA R500 Highline Tag Axle – PK72XHV

  • 490,121 Kms
  • Tractor Unit
  • 2022
  • 500 Bhp

New Quiz Reveals What Kind Of Trucker You Are 

Are you a modern trucker who does whatever they can to make their life on the road easier? Or are you more of the classic type, who sticks to listening to the radio and loves navigating your routes using a trusty map? Maybe you’d even consider yourself as an independent trucker who embraces the alone time on the road. If you’re curious, take our brand new quiz and find out

Truckers can get a bad rep; for decades they’ve faced toxic stereotypes such as:

“All truckers are uneducated and lazy”

“Truckers are unhygienic” 

“Truckers are foul-mouthed and bad-tempered”

However, we know that this isn’t the case—truckers come from a wide range of backgrounds, with each having a different attitude toward their job. While some may enjoy the classic trucker life of eating in service stations and map navigation, others may embrace the opportunity to travel the country—and sometimes to the world—by spending their spare time exploring their stops and trying new places to eat

That’s why we’ve created our brand new ‘Trucker Types’ quiz—to show that every trucker is different. 

The quiz will reveal which type of trucker you are based on 10 trucking-related questions, around the likes of the types of trucks you prefer (are you more of a Scania or Volvo trucker), your ideal passengers, how to navigate roads, and what you listen to. 

Maybe you’ll be revealed as a knowledgeable trucker who enjoys learning about the areas you visit, exploring the new areas, and would always rather find a new, local spot to grab food rather than your usual service station chains. 

Or instead, you might be a modern trucker who has embraced modernity and how much easier it can make your life on the road; this might include using your phone as a satnav, using a multi-use gym membership, or opting for a healthier lunch option. 

On the flip side, maybe you’ll be a classic trucker, believing there’s nothing more reliable than the good old physical map when it comes to navigating your route, and you enjoy stopping at the classic service stations for a well-deserved rest. 

You could also be an independent trucker, embracing the time you spend alone on the road and using your spare time to take advantage of the peace, keeping your space free of clutter, and enjoying your own company. Those who feel like they’re the complete opposite of this may be a community trucker, immersing themselves fully in the trucking community and keeping in touch with their fellow truckers as much as they can.

Finally, you might find you’re a family-orientated trucker, where family is everything to you, and when you’re not driving, you’d usually be trying to keep in touch with your parents, partner, and children to let them know how you’re getting on. 

Will Pringle, Sales Director at Smith Bros said on the quiz,

“A lot of truck drivers get a bad rep, with all sorts of stereotypes getting thrown around like they’re unhygienic, lazy, and foul-tempered, which isn’t the case at all! 

We created this quiz to not only have a bit of fun but to spread awareness that truckers come from all walks of life and backgrounds—and whilst some may prefer the ‘classic’ way of trucking life that involves stopping at service stations and navigating using a map, others may be embracing modernity or immersing themselves in the trucking community”



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